
Come and explore the island of Pico

The Azores as presented by a true Azorean


Pico Wine Tours

The wine of Pico grows on basalt rock and has been awarded UNESCO World Heritage status – all wonderful reasons for a tasting.

Qualified Guide

I have had a passion ever since young: showing my island and the Azores to those who visit us. Hence, when I retired from another profession in 2019, I registered as a tourism animation actor to be able to engage in my passion full time.

RRAAT 36/2019

Personalised Tours

The island of Pico has so much to visit and something different for every type of traveller and, part of my function as a guide is to guarantee you see exactly what you most like. Thus, all of our tours are personalised.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

You will depart from the Azores amazed at everything – with the landscapes, the wildlife, the sea, the food... and, certainly, with the walks that I shall tailor to your personal wishes.


José Costa, private tourist guide 

Showing my land, my island to those who come to visit is something I’ve done ever since young and always with pleasure. The islands of the Azores are so beautiful but it is about Pico that I can talk with greatest feeling. I know its history and its customs like few others – after all, I was born here.

In 2019, I was able to retire from my other job and dedicate myself full time to this activity that provides me with such pleasure – showing my island to those who visit so that they can get to know it as well as me. Hence, I registered as a tourism animation agent. Correspondingly, I prepare for each client with care and attention, gathering interesting information for presentation and ensuring the source is reliable. I have built up everything I know from reading literature, the training provided by the Regional Secretariat for Tourism on the main routes in the Azores, but also in the company of more elderly folk who have extraordinary and unique knowledge.

Qualified Guide

Ever since I was young, I’ve enjoyed showing my island to visitors and so, when I retired from my previous job in 2019, I registers as a tourism animation agent.

Book your experience

Discover the beauty of the Azores with Pico Wine Tours, aboard a luxury fleet that offers comfort and exclusivity on every tour. Travel in style and elegance as we explore the island's treasures together.

Personalised Experiences

The Azores serve every taste and I constantly strive to provide tourism routes that most please you.

Book now

Unforgettable Experiences 

Wine, Volcanoes, Walks in Nature, with Cows, Whales and so much more – there’s something for everybody in the Azores.

Rota da Vinha

História da vinha e do vinho do Pico. São mais de 500 anos de história dum vinho plantado na lava vulcânica e protegido por muros de pedra. Classificação na lista de património mundial da UNESCO desde 2004.

Os itinerários poderão diferir de acordo com as preferências dos clientes e os valores dependerão do trajeto escolhido e do produtor escolhido para as provas.


  • Grupos preferenciais com máximo de 4 pessoas
  • Para grupos maiores, até um máximo de 8 pessoas, reserva com o mínimo de 8 dias de antecedência.

Rota dos Vulcões

Os Açores são ilhas vulcânicas que emergem das profundezas do Atlântico Norte e a ilha do Pico é a mais jovem com, aproximadamente, 300 mil anos.

Os itinerários poderão ser de meio-dia ou dia inteiro de acordo com a preferência dos clientes. Incluirá, ou não, uma visita à gruta das Torres, conforme a disponibilidade devido ao grande número de visitantes que a demandam, especialmente nos meses de verão.


  • Grupos preferenciais com máximo de 4 pessoas
  • Para grupos maiores, até um máximo de 8 pessoas, reserva com o mínimo de 8 dias de antecedência.

Rota das Baleias

A atividade baleeira nos Açores remonta ao Século XVIII e foi, durante um largo período, uma importante fonte de receita para os Açorianos, funcionando, especialmente, como complemento de rendimento, para as famílias.

Os itinerários serão construídos de acordo com as preferências dos clientes sendo de salientar que a visita aos museus da baleia e da industria baleeira será  imprescindível.


  • Grupos preferenciais com máximo de 4 pessoas
  • Para grupos maiores, até um máximo de 8 pessoas, reserva com o mínimo de 8 dias de antecedência.

To begin sorting out your trip to the Azores, simply get in touch with me through whatever means you prefer - email, telephone, WhatsApp or use the form below.

And should you not yet have anywhere to stay on Pico, please take a look at this information on my lodging and facilities:

Ocean view
Telephone and WhatsApp: 965 777 337
E-mail: josecosta3211@sapo.pt

Personal Testimonials 

Get in touch for further information 

Please do tell me what you’d most like to see, how you have imagined your visit to the Azores and I shall set about making this real.

Formulário Website Pico Wine Tours

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